Since 1994 I'm building track Alternators,
which for Carburator-Engines even are sufficient for road use. But Fuelpumps at Injector-driven Enginesdo have such a high Power Consumption, that the Race Alternators only work for track use without any headlights.
The Advantages of Race Alternators are huge:
- the Acceleration is way better, also the handling of the Bike is improved
- at downshifting the tendency of a hopping rear wheel is reduced, because the drastically reduced Inertia of the Alternator. Because at downshifting the rearwheel has to accelerate the whole drivetrain, and the less Inertia the drivetrain has, the easier it can be accelerated by the rearwheel.
The effex can be so extreme, that an expensive lightenng of the crankshaft is no longer necessery.
Custom Racing Alternators.
As I do not have every Engine of every Brand and year laying around here I'd need detailled drafts or Pictures of the OEM Alternator/Crank/Alternator cover inside to be able to estimate the opportunities for a custom made track alternator.
Therefore please contact me.