Welcome inside my Shop.
I've been very often asked by customers, if I do have some kind of Online-Shop where they can order my Bits in an easy way - but I had to deny.
Developing more and more Parts, and receiving more and more Inquirys - I finally decided that I have to go for an online Shop, which in the End could save Time an Nerves for everyone.
So, what I do offer here ?
First of course my own Parts and also those stuff, which I have good experience with past 20 years.
But - it wouldn't be me, if I wouldn't do it - I'm trying to offer here latest Innovations/Inventions also, means Parts which are new on Market and promise real weight savings and Performance.
Naturally those Parts do not have a large History of testing, but you can rely on, that at least me or friends have tested this stuff on trackdays, and also that I have made my own Investigations regarding those Products regarding their History of development, manufacturing-process... etc.
Not necessarily really good working or weight shaving Stuff needs to be expensive, so you don't need to fear to detect only high priced Products here. But - as most of the Parts inside this Shop do not display the common Motorcycle Accessories - you cannot compare this Shop with others. I'm not attempting to offer the most cheap stuff - I try to collect the best working or innovative Products here.
Thorsten Durbahn